Summer Internship Program
2022Jamila Ahmadova is a rising Junior at Falmouth High School in Maine. Her goals during the two weeks she served as an intern was to explore her passion in the legal field. Jamila’s aspiration is to follow the pre-law track and obtain a higher education degree in Criminal Justice. Her decision to intern at our office was influenced by our law firm's positive impact on the Immigrant communities here in the United States. As a first generation American Azerbaijani herself, she is motivated to do the same. Jamila believes that our law firm's dedication to sincerely help those in need of legal services is what makes our law office an enriching environment to learn in. Back in Maine, Jamila serves as an appointed Student Cabinet Member for the Department of Education. This two year position gives her the opportunity to directly work with the Commissioner's Office to solve obstacles in Maine schools. She was also recently elected as the Student Representative for the Falmouth School Board to serve as a student voice for decisions in school policy. She further wishes to pursue in official positions as she wants her voice to be heard. During her time at our office, Jamila was given the opportunity to thoroughly understand the immigration process through the perspective of an Attorney. Her hope is to come back to our office to continue her passion and explore immigration law as a possible venture in her future legal career. |
2019Rayyana Matraji is a rising sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is interning at our office from the month of May until the beginning of July, in hopes to become a lawyer herself one day. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rayyana intends to complete a major in Economics with a math emphasis, along with two certificates in Computer Science and Criminal Justice; she is also on the pre-law track. She decided to intern at our office so that she could explore the field of immigration law. She is not sure what field of law she would like to specialize in in the future, but she is interested in corporate law or civil rights. Rayyana’s studies in social justice topics serve as a constant reminder to question her own positionality and privilege; she is determined to work towards centering the experiences of those who face marginalization, which is why she is interested in civil rights and immigration law. During her time at our office, Rayyana has had the opportunity to witness the processes of immigration law and the reality that many European, Asian, and Middle-Eastern individuals face when seeking freedom and entry to the United States. |
2018Reem Hussein is an upcoming senior at Watertown High school. She is interning at our office for the month of July, in hopes of becoming a lawyer one day as well. Reem will be helping around the office and over all observing what it is like to work in this field. Reem is an Egyptian- Muslim, whose family immigrated to the United States, sparking her interest in immigration law. She found our office by searching online for law firms in the area and came across our site here in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Reem was eager to begin working here and to explore this type of law. After watching many TV shows about law and people constantly telling her they see her becoming a lawyer, she decided this is the career she wants to pursue in the future. In the Law Office of Vugar Jafarov, she is able to get a glimpse of the reality that many European, Asian, and Middle-Eastern individuals have to go through to finally find freedom and become citizens of the United states. We are sure that this experience will benefit her and teach her lessons that will stay with her forever. |